The meaning of the word 'motherhood' has changed and morphed in so many different ways over the years as I've had babies and reached milestones, learned beautiful and intense lessons that I could never have imagined. Being a mother isn't for everyone I know, but it is absolutely what I was meant to do. I need each one of my sweet children just as much-if not more than they need me, and not a day goes by that I don't feel blessed and privileged to be their mother.
Here are a few favorite pictures from a fun afternoon, captured by my darling friend Morgan:
Today is about changing diapers and kissing chubby toes.
Today is about tickle attacks, time-outs, brushing hair, and endless bedtime stories.
"When my children remember their childhood, I want only for them to remember that their mother gave it her all. She worried too much, she failed at times, and she did not always get it right.. but she tried her hardest to teach them about kindness, love, compassion, and honesty. Even if she had to learn from her own, mistakes she loved them enough to keep going, even when things seemed hopeless, even with life knocked her down. I want them to remember me as the woman who always got back up." - unknown
Side-note: When Morgan and I talked about pictures, I wasn't sure if it was a good time with Martin feeling so sick and resting most of every day, but then we said how even getting a few pictures with him would be special, and that no matter what happens in the future, we'd always be glad we had them. I did indeed straighten my house a little beforehand, but I love that somehow there are still papers on the counter and garbage bags spilling out of the drawer, etc. I sure love our life. Can't thank you enough my sweet Morgan♥
Happy Mother's Day:)
from The Freckled Fox
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