Cozy Snow Days - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Hey friends, thanks for being here:) It's really been helping my focus lately to keep looking ahead everyday with hope of accomplishing even simple little goals for work and for the family, and I feel so much hope and peace that we're headed in the right direction in all aspects of our life. We've been adopting a lot of new routines and little methods to try and get a little more order and productivity in the house, but also for making sure we’re taking it slow and easy and just enjoying time together as a family and individually with each little one. I’m really excited about my partnership with Hanna Andersson, because they’re all about having the quality and durability that lets kids really be kids an that bring families closer together.
     The past few weeks have brought record-breaking snows, so there have been a crazy amount of snow days from school that end up feeling like lazy Saturdays. It’s really been wonderful to take more breaks from work and get in so much extra time all together as a family. Some of our favorite family activities on those days are things are snuggly sleep-ins, making breakfast together, piling on the bed for cartoons, nerf gun wars around the house, board games, and usually something outside like going on a hike or to the park, if it’s not too chilly. 

     When I was little my parents dressed us all up in matching sweats and sweatshirts in our favorite colors to keep us warm and cozy when we went on road trips and outings, so it’s been extra special to carry on that tradition with my own children.  It’s also been a dream to have matching PJ’s with my whole family, and my heart just about burst watching all the kiddies playing and wrestling in their little cozy stripes. You can also shop the Hanna Andersson organic cotton pajamas here and the kids cotton basic sweats here. They have so many great colors as well, it was really hard to choose.

     Do you have any favorite family activities or traditions that you grew up with that you carry on in your own families? I'd love to hear about them! Again thank you for reading, and I hope you have a great rest of your week ahead.


from The Freckled Fox
Cozy Snow Days - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens