My new project - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

     Well, happy Saturday everyone! We arrived back home from our big road trip/camping extravaganza that lasted over three weeks, and let me tell you it felt so amazing pulling back into the driveway of our home! Even knowing the mess that awaited us once we walked in from the way that we'd packed and left quickly, I didn't feel anxious or stressed at all, just relieved and happy. 

     I felt like I learned so much on our trip and came a really long way towards positive things, but the most of the biggest thoughts boiled down to simply becoming a stronger woman. I had lots of thoughts about loving myself more, and enough to feel stronger and braver than I ever have before. Taking care of myself so that I could better care for my family and others, etc, and now that my brain is full to the brim again (especially after that two-hour heart-to-heart on Instagram live) I have so much I want to pass on and hear your thoughts about too.

     You've heard the phrase that you can't pour from an empty glass? Or like how on an airplane they tell you to first put on your own mask so you can better assist others? It's becoming more clear to me that in order to do the most good, to be the best asset to other people, to do the most service and to make the most difference in people's lives, I have to first work on myself. I can't teach my children or others to love themselves when I don't truly love and trust myself enough. Why is that the case? Because the society we live in today teaches us that we're not allowed to love ourselves. We're not allowed to be proud of and talk about our accomplishments, or the how great we think our makeup is, or how high we climbed or how fit we felt after lots of hard work. We've received enough critique from others online or off when we come close to publically recognizing our own strengths and abilities, that not only do we keep them to ourselves, but we start to wonder if those things even really exist. Or, we feel guilty for recognizing them in the first place because we feel we're being too prideful or vain, etc. 
    The majority of people around you just want love and happiness for themselves and others, but there's another little portion of people that are much louder than the rest. That world doesn't want you to be proud. That world doesn't want you to be brave and to stand out, to be different and to show strength because then you're a threat. Then you must think you're better than them or everyone else. Because they think that if you love yourself and take care of yourself, then that means you're selfish, so most often the default is that we don't love ourselves as much as we should, if barely at all. We don't love ourselves enough, we don't trust ourselves enough, we can't stand on our own two feet and stand up to the opposition on our own, and we think we need others strength and approval in order to feel strong.

     Does that sound like you at all? This is me for sure. Me, as well as so many other's I've talked to online and in my own personal life. This is the majority, and I want to try and change that so badly, but starting with myself. So, I've been working on my own self-love/self-care project if you will the last little while in my mind, and now I want to begin sharing more here as I work my way upwards towards the blue sky:) 

     I look forward to seeing more of you around here:)


from The Freckled Fox
My new project - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens