Ways to help with Hurricane Harvey relief - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

     I can't stop thinking about the people in Texas, I haven't been able to for days. People are suffering so much, and there's no way to know when that will change. When I first heard the news of the flooding in Houston I thought it was just that: some flooding. I also heard that though it was originally supposed to be a hurricane, that it had been downgraded because the storm wasn't severe enough. Then Richard showed me a photo of the water levels reaching a traffic light at an intersection, and I was shocked to think about all of the incredible devastation that must be going on there. I started looking up articles about Houston and the gulf coast and different ways that our family could help, and just felt sick with heartache for all those affected. 

     We've seen the destruction from hurricanes before and we know that water damage takes years to recover from (if your home or business etc recover at all), but we can help! After seeing several friends asking online about ways they could contribute, I decided to share as many different ideas for helping as I could find. Because though it'll never feel like enough, even a small donation of funds or food or service, etc, can go a really long way towards supporting and sustaining all of those impacted by Hurricane Harvey. 

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Global Giving has set up a relief fund that currently has over $650,000 in donations with a goal to reach 2 million. They provide food, clean water, gasoline, formula and diapers, hygiene products, and short-term shelter. They also have easy buttons on that page for sharing the fund to your facebook or twitter account.

- Direct Relief USA is accepting financial contributions to aid in offering prescription drugs and various other medical supplies to those in need. They work with clinics and primary care doctors

The American Red Cross has set up a very quick and simple donation page with all donations being tax deductible. 

- Catholic Charities USA is sending donated funds to support recovery efforts including direct assistance, rebuilding, and health care services. 

- The LDS Church is sending truckloads of bottled water, food, hygiene and cleanup kits, tools, and many other supplies. Anyone wishing to provide support in their efforts is encouraged to donate to their church humanitarian fund.

- Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Fund has teams on site to offer help, and they are always accepting funds to help in their efforts. 

- Portlight provides relief specifically for people with disabilities, who require medical equipment and assistive technology have what they need as they evacuate. They accept donations via Paypal.

- Save the Children is accepting donations towards their efforts. They've already sent emergency responders to assist anyone in need.

The Salvation Army is accepting funds online, or you can call 1-800-SAL-ARMY.

- Samaritan's Purse has sent disaster relief units towards the effected areas and are accepting financial donations towards their efforts. 


- The Texas Diaper Bank in San Antonio has been putting relief kits together for families with tiny little ones who need clean diapers. Since Diapers take up so much space in delivery trucks, most other organizations are choosing to deliver food over diapers, so the diaper bank is helping with that need.

The Driscoll Children's Hospital in Corpus Christi withstood the storm quite well and is accepting donations now for a large portion of the affected areas. They're also gladly accepting donations of blood for anyone who lives in the area.


from The Houston Press: "If you want to give food, these food banks encourage you to consider staples: Pop-top (canned) meat and fish, powdered milk, cereal, canned fruit, fruit cups, peanut butter and jelly. Cleaning supplies such as bleach and paper towels will also be accepted. In addition to donating at food bank facilities, local grocers may provide collection points for donations."

Houston Food Bank

Galveston Food Bank

Food Bank of the Golden Crescent (Victoria) 
Closed Friday

Corpus Christi Food Bank

Southeast Texas Food Bank (Beaumont) 

Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley (Pharr) 

Brazos Valley Food Bank (Bryan)

Central Texas Food Bank (Austin)

San Antonio Food Bank


- Trusted World in Dallas is operating three different shelters for people that have been evacuated and displaced. They are needing donations of funds, supplies of all kinds, and volunteers to help sort out the items that are being donated.

- Many people who live close but have not been affected by Harvey are listing their homes on Airbnb for free for evacuees. Most of the available listings currently are in Austin, Dallas, and San Antonio, but if you live in another part of the state that has not experienced any flooding you might consider joining in this charitable effort.


- The Houston Coalition for the Homeless is accepting financial donations to help facilitate shelter for homeless people in the area. 


- The SPCA of Texas is taking in hundreds of animals that have been uprooted by the storm and separated from their owners. Many of them are also coming from shelters along the coast that aren't safe where they are now. They're accepting donations to help with the costs, or you could open your home and foster a displaced animal until it can be reunited with it's owner. 

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     This is by no means a complete list of ways to help, but I think it's a pretty good start:) Make sure that no matter which organization or site you donate to that you check before you donate to make sure you know where your money is going. The Center for International Disaster Information recommends using sites such as Give Well, Charity Navigator, Charity Watch, or the Better Business Bureau to double check. 

     In addition, I keep seeing stores like Apple and Amazon etc advertising as giving large portions or 100% of their sales to help fund relief organizations, and many grocery stores such as Whole Foods and Walmart have pledged to match cash donations up to $1 million in total to the Red Cross for Hurrican Harvey Relief. So, if you're shopping around this week think about supporting businesses that are putting the victims first at this time. Also, I would love for you to link any shops or businesses below in the comments that you've noticed are doing that!

     Thank you so much for visiting today and for all the charitable efforts already going towards providing assistance in every way.
     Texas, we love you, we pray for you, and we stand by you.


from The Freckled Fox http://ift.tt/2wnbUtL
Ways to help with Hurricane Harvey relief - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens