Swiss Roll Swirl - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Hi everybody,

     Thank you for all the views, comments, likes and birthday wishes <3  I had a wonderful week celebrating my birthday in Japan, and am so happy to have a place like my blog and Facebook where I can share pictures and experiences with my friends around the world.
     Today I fixed my hair in a high bun that swirled up to look not unlike a strawberry-blonde Swiss roll.  Oooh, that reminds me of the wonderful birthday cake I had!  I certainly could go for another piece :-D
     Thanks for coming to see my pictures here and on Facebook.  My Facebook page for hair is close to reaching 3000 page-likes!


Birthday hair~ diagonal French braids

Happy Easter in June <3

My sister gave me Rapunzel and Pascal tsum-tsum for my birthday

Hanging with my superheroes

Guess who I'm in line to see?!

Hello Kitty!

Hello Kitty actually talked! She called me by name and wished me a happy birthday.

9 layers!

from Braids & Hairstyles for Super Long Hair
Swiss Roll Swirl - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens