Nudestix Intense Matte Lip + Cheek Pencils - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Nudestix pencils have been a regular feature of my makeup routine for the past 6 months. I've already posted about the eye pencils and some of the first shades I received from Look Fantastic here and here so I'll try not to repeat myself too much in this post. 

The brand's whole ethos is about easy-to-use, fun barely-there makeup which will give you a pop of colour without covering up your natural beauty. I'm definitely embracing more natural makeup looks lately and this brand just nails it with creating products for 'no makeup makeup'. Their pencils are created with skin-loving ingredients like Shea Butter, are fragrance free and are not tested on animals. Each pencil also comes in it's own tin with built in mirror and sharpener which doubles as a pencil cap.

I've mentioned a couple of the Intense Matte Lip + Cheek Pencils (£24 each)* before but I now have 11 of the 12 shades, some of which are newly released to the US only currently. The colours range from nude pinks to deep reds. Vintage, Icon, Retro and Pixi are the newest shades to the Intense Matte collection. These are dual-use products to add some colour to your pout and cheekbones. The pencil works as a liner too so you just draw around your lips and fill in.

(shades left to right) Vintage, Icon, Retro, Raven, Royal, Stiletto, Kiss, Belle, Entice, Purity and Pixi 

The pencils are all very pigmented and the texture is creamy but it dries matte. As with most matte lip colours these look much better applied to exfoliated lips but these are more moisturising than some other similar products I've tried. Initially I loved these more as just a lip product but I have been using them more recently as a blush too. There's something really pretty about having your lips and cheek match and it adds to that effortless beauty look. When I'm wearing these on the cheeks I tend to keep my base/foundation to a minimum as these work beautifully when buffed into bare skin. I've found the red tones work better as blushes for my skintone and I tend to reach for the shade Retro most.

(shades top to bottom) Stiletto, Royal, Raven, Retro, Icon, Vintage 

(shades left to right) Pixi, Purity, Entice, Belle and Kiss

The main drawback of these pencils is that they are a little pricey and with every sharpen you do lose a bit of product. I absolutely love these though and I will pick up a few of the shades I'm missing from the other collections. There's also dual-ended lip colours available in the US which I think give a bit more bang for your buck.

You can grab most of these from Cult Beauty here and the newest shades if you're in the US directly from the brand's website here.

*samples - read my disclaimer here.

Have you tried Nudestix?

Lesley x

from Fresh Lengths
Nudestix Intense Matte Lip + Cheek Pencils - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Commitment - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Alright... another load of laundry done. Another day coming to a close. It's Richard again...  It's been another busy few days, but it turns out that I happened to be the lucky one who found the extra tiny bit of time to put some thoughts down.  While I'd love to read the first chapter in the next book of the series I started this month, there's a hum in my brain that suggests I'd rather chat out loud in case some of you are awake and listening. With all the subjects running around in my head, I hope this flows in some way, or we might have more 'whiplash' that Emily spoke of, though probably a slightly different meaning to the word this time. I'll try and keep from letting the flames in the hearth distract me...they're just so peaceful. (I swear we've mentioned our fireplace more than any other single item in the last month. Sorry!  We just really like the calm that seems to come from sitting in front of the fire.)

Today was ... normal. Sort-of. I'm learning all kinds of new things about parenting. Crash courses have been offered here and there over the last decade or two of my life. But now is obviously different. Actually, now would be a good time to explain that a little:

A few years ago, I had a wonderful opportunity to help a friends' family. Their father had been diagnosed with cancer. For the third time. Yes, I said third. For a few months, I was able to help in a simple sense while attending school. I would take this friend's father, who I'll simply call 'Dad', to treatments when my schedule would permit, and help in other ways. Did I mention he had 9 children? The oldest was older than I am, but the range included many at home, all the way down to a 3-year-old. Anyway, 'other ways' that I helped typically meant cleaning up around the house, helping get younger children to various activities, playing (a lot!), and sometimes making food. I'm sure they liked Mom's cooking a lot better than mine though, as my claim to fame is either hot cocoa or grilled ham and cheese (not usually at the same time :P). My standard weekend became family time, and it was wonderful to have something more meaningful than TV to do on the weekends.

This was the way things went for a time. Things changed though after a few busy months passed. 'Dad' wasn't doing well, and I moved in eventually to help more consistently. For a year I lived and breathed family life in many aspects, and learned a lot. Cancer is hard. But it also means a lot of opportunities for growing.  And the kids all handled things in different ways. It was a very special time for me, and while it only lasted a year before I returned to school, it was one of the more meaningful times of my life.

Anyway, I tell you this to say... that I'm not exactly 'new' to family life. This example of 'Dad's' illness and passing is probably the most 'special', but it's one of many experiences that helped me glimpse inside the walls that people call Home. Now I'm a part of one.

So back to what I said before.  Today was... 'normal'. We were on vacation last week, which meant everyone together, all day, for the whole week. Honest comment here: I consider myself an energetic person. I've always prided myself in my ability to keep up with kids!  But 5?  For a full week? Holy cow! I'm out numbered!

Growing up, we were 3 boys for my first 11 years. My Mother and Father took us camping for a week every summer. Through my college years I really started to grasp how much effort that trip was for my parents, but now?!  I'm downright SCARED of the exhaustion that will hit after we have a fun trip like that!  Self-awareness is an awesome thing, but I need those Platinum Energizer Bunny Batteries. Anyone know where the 'Toys-R-Us' for adults is??  Haha

Back to today though. Kids were up before us. We did breakfast without any major issues. High five to us! The kids wanted to play outside afterward, so everyone searched for socks and coats, and went to play. With the temperatures outside that didn't last long so we went to run a few errands. Four and a half HOURS later, we pulled in the driveway again. Woah. We went for milk! :P  After a brief bit of craziness, Ellie asked to help with dinner. Child of the year award, coming up! We ate, packed up again, and went and watched the local fireworks with some dear friends. There were, of course, sweets included in the visit. I couldn't help but laugh as the 7 of us (mostly the smallest 5 mouths) ate through 70% of the food for the party! (Sorry friends!  The next party will have to be on us!) Bouncing, literally, with sugar, we came home and had a quick wind down before bed.

Which brings us to now.

Now, the part I want to talk about. Today was different. I know I said 'normal', and in most ways it was a normal day for this week. Craziness, baths, laundry, messes, cleaning up messes, food, errands, shopping, phone calls, scolding, praising, fighting, crying, making up. But today was also different. Today was the first time I've heard Lydia say that she missed Martin.

Let me see if I can describe this correctly. Ellie and Sophie frequently express their feelings. While they both do it differently, they both have a good grasp on what they're feeling and when. Johnny is a little harder to read because he doesn't slow down to process as well as his older sisters do. He's kinda like the son from 'The Incredibles' where everything is fast and loud and now!  It's play time until he drops. Or gets hungry. But either way, he's usually very focused on what's next. All the same, he does have moments where he expresses that he misses Daddy, and we (sometimes as a family/with Emily and myself, and sometimes more individually because of the circumstance) get to process that with him too.

Lydia on the other hand is ... well... our little smiling chipmunk. She's a bubble of joy that never bursts. The ray of sunlight that always evades the clouds. The evergreen, the jolly elf, the light on the front porch.

And as I said, today was different. Today while we sat in the car at one stop, Lydia was getting less attention than the others. I can reach two from the front seat when we're parked, and Sophie and Ellie were singing along to the radio and talking to each other in the back. While I tickled the closest 2, through the laughter I heard a sad little voice peep "Daddy?", and I realized Lydia was crying. I assumed that when I asked "Lydia, what's wrong??" that she'd respond with the typical "I'm hungry."  Instead, she said, eyes intently focused on mine, "Daddy, I miss Daddy-Martin."

This was the first time that little Lydia had said anything like this. I have approached the subject several times with each of the kids, but never with Lydia. She talks about Martin when we look at photographs, but in a happy tone. This time was a sad face, with pink cheeks, and even a few tears.

With the older kids, we talk through it. We'll discover what brought the memory on, or how they feel, or if they'd like to do something to help with the feelings their having, like let a balloon go for Daddy.  I'm sure every child is different, and I certainly don't have a doctorate in child psychology, but we talk and process what we can, and with questions, the kids get to describe what they're feeling and how they would like to respond to those feeling.

With Lydia, I felt stuck. For a second anyway.

While I looked back at her, I said the only thing that came to mind: "I'm sorry honey," and paused. She nodded, and I asked, "Can I give you a big hug when we get home?"  She smiled a little and said yes.

What really got to me was the next few seconds...

She told me she would like a hug. This made me smile. When I smiled, she smiled some too. I made a happier face at her, and she gave me her big classic Lydia smile.  If it weren't for the wet cheeks, no one would have been able to tell that, moments before, she had been so sad. I turned to Evie and tickled her neck, and squeezed John's thigh making him squirm with laughter too. Then I looked back to see Lydia crying again. When our eyes met, she gave a big smile again. This time as I looked back to the others, my attention stayed on her, and I watched out of the corner of my eye as her face fell again, and tears started to flow as if she hadn't smiled at all. When my eyes returned to hers with my full attention, it brought another smile, but then her face again fell as I looked away. She seemed in limbo, stuck between happy and sad.

This was a truly humbling moment for me.

I haven't been a parent the way I am now for very long, so many things are new.  My hat is off to parents around the world. You are ALL amazing! Day in and day out, while incredibly rewarding, is hard! And for me, this little moment with Lydia was HARD!  I looked into her eyes, and wanted to fix it. I wanted to reason, like we do with Ellie. I wanted to share emotions, like we do with Soph. I wanted to listen to what Johnny had to say, and wait until HE decided to change the subject.

In that moment, I was a brand new parent. No idea what to do with emotions of this size in a child this young. Maybe there WAS nothing I could do. But I didn't have the answer, and I really wanted to have the answer!  Emily wasn't around to help. MY parents weren't there for me to ask them. I was all on my own, Lydia needed me, and I KNEW there was nothing that I could do that would really help her. I was bumbling through a moment with no possible chance to quote-unquote 'save the day'. I just watched little Lydia's face light up, and fade, and light up, and fade.

Having had a few hours now to think about this, things are ok. Little Lydia returned to her happy place, and is now sound asleep. The house is quiet. Stomachs are full. Life is good. In perspective, I'm surprised that these moments of feeling 'lost' as a parent aren't happening to me every hour!  I'm very blessed to have grown up with good parents who never stopped trying. Blessed to know a land of freedom. Blessed to have very rarely been hungry, or truly cold, or have lost my health beyond a nasty cold. I've been blessed with neighbors and friends and loved ones that have taught me many things. Today, I gained another drop of respect for parents. Vacations are HARD WORK!! Children, while 90% of the time (or sometimes less) are wonderful, are also hard work!  I thought the Spartan race was about being tough, that marathons were about endurance. I'd love to see a Navy Seal be tossed into a home with children for a few days, and see how he fares (NOT that I don't have great respect for the armed forces, just a comedic comparison). Grit and toughness are about diapers, and sleepless nights, and bad dreams, and boo-boos. THIS is what life's about, and this is what really matters.

Tonight I head to bed with admiration for families of all sizes, and the parents who lead them. And I head to bed with goals.
1. I want to be even more patient.
2. I want to play harder.
3. I want more sore muscles.
4. I want more sore backs.
5. I want more clean socks.
6. I want more smiling faces.
7. I want to give more hugs.
8. I want to eat more chocolate chips.
9. I want to do more chores.
10. I want to eat more vegetables.
11. I want to make more memories
12. I want to be a better parent, person, husband, friend.

Tonight, I shoot for better. And while today wasn't perfect, and *I* couldn't stem Lydia's tears completely, tomorrow, I want to make sure she smiles more because she knows what a special family she had, has, and will continue to have.

Goodnight all, and thanks for listening/reading,
- Richard


from The Freckled Fox
Commitment - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Skincare | Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra Removal 2016 - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra, often shortened to DPN, is the appearance of small mole-like lumps on the skin. I've had DPN appear on various parts of my body since being a teen and whilst they cause no known medical problems I've had them removed from my face (twice) as I just don't like how they look.

I've spoken about DPN previously on my blog (here) but as I've had my second treatment to remove them recently I thought explain the process in more detail in a video. I really hope this helps anyone considering the treatment as when I was first looking for a solution for DPN a lot of clinics I went to didn't know or understand what it was. My skin isn't totally clear (I still get mild acne and I have some DPN left) but I am so much happier with how my skin looks now. The treatment was definitely worth it for me and I would go back again for a third time.

The Video 

As ever, if you have any questions let me know in the comments

Have you heard of DPN before? 

Lesley x

from Fresh Lengths
Skincare | Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra Removal 2016 - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Where it stops, nobody knows... - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Hi friends,

     Wow, thank you for helping me pass 800,000 page-views!  Another amazing milestone for my blog, thanks to my readers and followers from around the world.  Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram as well.

     A few weeks ago I fixed my hair in a spiral rope braid, and held it in place with my favorite tiny clips.  I love the way this braid wraps 'round and 'round, almost completely hiding where it begins and where it ends.

from Braids & Hairstyles for Super Long Hair
Where it stops, nobody knows... - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Happy Thanksgiving friends ♡♡♡ - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

An especially fancy bun for Thanksgiving - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Hi everyone,

     Today is Thanksgiving!  I fixed my hair in a style I saw online, with five braids interwoven below a high bun.  I love this look, and so did my family and friends who saw my hair today :-)


from Braids & Hairstyles for Super Long Hair
An especially fancy bun for Thanksgiving - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

family traditions - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Growing up in the country, one of my favorite pastimes was riding my bike on the wrap-around porch, going down ramps, learning how to stand on my seat and go over homemade jumps, etc. That love of bike rides continued through high school and into my marriage to Marty. Once we started having babies though, I had to hang up my bike (literally), and it was clear that with 2,3 and then 4 kids under 4, riding bikes together was a thing of the past. Fast forward to this year with 5 young children, and enter the Madsen Cycle.
The kids and I, along with my sister had the great pleasure of meeting Jared and Lisa Madsen earlier this year. Hearing their story, and getting a tour of their incredible shop where they put together and packaged every Madsen cargo bike was inspiring, and also felt like I was visiting old friends. I've never seen another bike like this on the market before, and I was just awed by their vision and the amount of thought and passion they've poured into their business.

I drove home that day with this big black beauty strapped in the back of the pick-up, and immediately unpacked it and loaded up all the kiddies for our first bike ride altogether.

It felt wonderful.

I was a new widow, trying to keep a handle on my overwhelming grief by pouring everything I had into my five small children, and here I was carting them down our street with their tiny helmets on and their giggles in my ears. In a sappy metaphor kind of way, I felt that first day the physical weight of carrying all my children by myself, but I knew that as I rode more and more that I would get stronger:)
We started a nightly family bike ride tradition with our big Madsen (dubbed 'Maddy' by Ellie) that we still carry on today! Every night that we can swing it I strap on the little helmets after dinner and we head out into the sunset, nowadays with the two older girls on their own bikes. I even started inviting visitors to join in with us on an extra old bike of mine. It's the longest standing family tradition at this new house actually!

If I can answer a few questions I've already had about our bike: It's much sturdier and smooth to ride than I would have thought, it has two removable cushioned benches and four strong seatbelts in the back, and it does have a front wheel lock and two keys for theft prevention! It can carry 600lbs of riders and cargo, I never get super sore even after a long ride, I decided to get the front rack for holding extra cargo which I love, and we also have the weather/rain cover for the back which has been used a lot on sunny and windy days here. There are tons of cute colors, it's definitely worth the price-tag with just the family bonding alone, but especially if you work in savings with gas and health benefits:)
Bottom line, it's been such a blessing in bringing our family closer together and creating memories, and I wish everyone had the chance to own one:)
Now that I've sung the praises of our bike, I'm so excited to be sharing some amazing deals going on at Madsen headquarters on Black Friday!
You can get $225 off of any color Madsen + 20% off all accessories,
or you can get $425 off of a fully loaded Madsen bike! This includes soft top, front rack, dutch upgrade, shiny brass bell, water bottle, steel front lights and rear light.
Visit their website on Black Friday for the best price of the year, and also to view more testimonials and customer photos, to ask questions, etc.

Have you heard of/do you own one of these already? What is one of your favorite standing traditions with your family? Thanks so much for visiting today, and I hope you guys have a fantastic Thanksgiving tomorrow,


from The Freckled Fox
family traditions - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Simple braided updo - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Hi friends,

     Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a special time to share a meal with family and friends and think about how very much in life we have to be thankful for to God.  I love what I read one time~ There is always, always, always something to be thankful for <3

     Today I fixed my hair in a simple style I was reminded of after seeing a picture on the internet.  It is a rope headband braid and a lower French braid, a simple hairstyle that is quick to make.  Thank you for coming to visit my blog!


from Braids & Hairstyles for Super Long Hair
Simple braided updo - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Singing Pirates - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Hello Friends!
Just to have as little confusion as possible... this is Richard. Just saying that so we're not lost!

I call you friends because there are so so many of you who comment and share support for Emily and the kids constantly, and my appreciation is very hard to express.  Emily in particular obviously means the world to me, but my additional 5 troublemaking, imaginative comrades-in-arms are clearly my best friends now too! Anyone who has helped to put smiles on their faces is a friend in my book. Honestly, it's a little hard to fathom how many of you are really out there caring for us on such a personal level. I'm with Emily though: if we could, we would absolutely love to meet all of you and give these thanks in person.

Today I want to highlight Emily's talents. Specifically her abilities on the piano.

When I first started playing with the kids, pirates was a main theme for us. We could be silly, climb the swing set, jump on the trampoline, use the rope swing, and generally goof off, all while shouting in bad accents and learning to wink as if we only had one good eye. It was fun for me when I realized how one of my favorite summertime songs, 'Lost Boy' by Ruth B, would fit so well. Not only did it fit, but the kids quickly started learning the words and singing along.

One night, after walking the kids upstairs, reading our nighttime stories, and turning the lights off, I came downstairs to find Emily at the piano. Without any music, she was humming to herself and picking out the chords on the piano. Since that moment, this song has sort of become a family anthem of sorts, reminding me of camping as a child in the woods of the North East, with all of us imagining adventures and pirates and secret islands far away.

In these photos you only see Sophia, but we frequently are all together in the living room singing while Emily plays for us. The other kids were quiet in the dining room, coloring if I remember right. I felt like it was the perfect to capture this memory for myself. Turns out Emily liked the photos enough to turn them over to me. :)  Who would have thought they'd get her stamp of approval?!

As the new kid on the block, I just want to say again that I'm thankful for all those who have been such a help and support for Emily and the children. We all know they have been through a lot, and it warms my heart to know there are so many who have reached out with kind words and encouragement. Things are certainly changing in many ways, but it appears to me that your love is as strong as ever. We try to smile as much as possible every day, and it's frequently thanks to you.

As we have been adjusting and getting the daily things done, time has really gotten away from us. I hope you are ok with me sharing this with you, and whatever else I get to share as time goes on. Learning about someone new can take a lot of time, and I hope that I can tell a little more about myself soon, along with some of the best parts of the story that brought me here. Obviously, there's a unique story to be told, and with Emily's help hopefully it gets shared in the next week or two among all the other things we have to get done.

Many hello's and thanks,


from The Freckled Fox
Singing Pirates - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Rope Ladder - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Hi friends,

     This braid looks complicated but it is actually rather simple~ as long as you have a second mirror so you can see the back of your head.  I made one rope waterfall braid, then added the loose strands from that braid into a second rope waterfall braid directly below, and then repeated the steps a third time.  I finished off my look with a side bun and matching hair bows.

     Thank you for visiting my blog!  Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more hairstyle pictures and posts.


from Braids & Hairstyles for Super Long Hair
Rope Ladder - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Semi-circle Dutch braid - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Hi friends,

     Wishing you all a beautiful and peaceful day :-)  Thank you for coming to view my blog!  Today I fixed my hair in a wrap-around Dutch braid with a side bun, a very fancy hairstyle that is easy to create.

from Braids & Hairstyles for Super Long Hair
Semi-circle Dutch braid - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens