Singing Pirates - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens

Hello Friends!
Just to have as little confusion as possible... this is Richard. Just saying that so we're not lost!

I call you friends because there are so so many of you who comment and share support for Emily and the kids constantly, and my appreciation is very hard to express.  Emily in particular obviously means the world to me, but my additional 5 troublemaking, imaginative comrades-in-arms are clearly my best friends now too! Anyone who has helped to put smiles on their faces is a friend in my book. Honestly, it's a little hard to fathom how many of you are really out there caring for us on such a personal level. I'm with Emily though: if we could, we would absolutely love to meet all of you and give these thanks in person.

Today I want to highlight Emily's talents. Specifically her abilities on the piano.

When I first started playing with the kids, pirates was a main theme for us. We could be silly, climb the swing set, jump on the trampoline, use the rope swing, and generally goof off, all while shouting in bad accents and learning to wink as if we only had one good eye. It was fun for me when I realized how one of my favorite summertime songs, 'Lost Boy' by Ruth B, would fit so well. Not only did it fit, but the kids quickly started learning the words and singing along.

One night, after walking the kids upstairs, reading our nighttime stories, and turning the lights off, I came downstairs to find Emily at the piano. Without any music, she was humming to herself and picking out the chords on the piano. Since that moment, this song has sort of become a family anthem of sorts, reminding me of camping as a child in the woods of the North East, with all of us imagining adventures and pirates and secret islands far away.

In these photos you only see Sophia, but we frequently are all together in the living room singing while Emily plays for us. The other kids were quiet in the dining room, coloring if I remember right. I felt like it was the perfect to capture this memory for myself. Turns out Emily liked the photos enough to turn them over to me. :)  Who would have thought they'd get her stamp of approval?!

As the new kid on the block, I just want to say again that I'm thankful for all those who have been such a help and support for Emily and the children. We all know they have been through a lot, and it warms my heart to know there are so many who have reached out with kind words and encouragement. Things are certainly changing in many ways, but it appears to me that your love is as strong as ever. We try to smile as much as possible every day, and it's frequently thanks to you.

As we have been adjusting and getting the daily things done, time has really gotten away from us. I hope you are ok with me sharing this with you, and whatever else I get to share as time goes on. Learning about someone new can take a lot of time, and I hope that I can tell a little more about myself soon, along with some of the best parts of the story that brought me here. Obviously, there's a unique story to be told, and with Emily's help hopefully it gets shared in the next week or two among all the other things we have to get done.

Many hello's and thanks,


from The Freckled Fox
Singing Pirates - Natural hairstyle for mens and womens