Happy Friday my friends. The chilly weather really hit us hard this week, and with that has come a few colds to keep us company:( Looking on the bright side though, sick kiddies usually just means more time spent laying low inside cuddled up together, eating yummy soup and treats, reading books piled on the bed, and playing lots of games. Recently we were sent a few DIY activities from Seedling to test out together, and Richard especially was excited about creating with the kids.
Firstly we were sent the Design your own Marble Maze along with a few accessories, which was pretty exciting for me to see since I grew up loving the classic version, except this one comes completely customizable walls so you get to choose any design or shape you can think of, as many times as you'd like. The kids decided on making a house first, and I loved snapping some pictures of the process.
Once the basic shape was done and they'd picked start and end points in the maze, I downloaded the free app that goes along with it, and Richard uploaded our design (by taking a photo) while I started the girls on decorating the DIY Headphones and the Virtual Reality Viewer (it comes free with the maze). Once the design is in the app (ours needed a tiny bit of tweaking), you can add obstacles, photos, hazards, sound effects, etc, and just as soon as the headphones were finished the kids took turns virtually playing the maze they'd just helped create- pretty amazing.
While we were all pretty impressed by the maze and the app combination, it just got better once the first virtuality reality viewer was finished (Sophie took extra long with the painting). The viewer looks and acts like one of the old view masters -again that I grew up loving- except there's a slot to tuck your phone into the front, and then it's like you're standing in the maze yourself! It was pretty impossible to capture the experience on camera, but when you put it up to your eyes and start turning left and right (there's even cute accompanying music), you really feel like you're walking around in the game. Selfishly, I took the first turn just to make sure everything was working properly, right?haha and it's just such a neat idea. I don't know of any other game that works like that. I definitely think this would make a great gift for families since it's fun for so many different ages, and combines tech with creativity.
All in all, Richard and I spent hours together with the four oldest kids helping them to use their imaginations and to get creative in designing and setting everything up, but I love that they can keep using it over and over now and take the viewers on trips, etc. Also surprisingly, they all loved watching someone else play just as much as doing it themselves, and there were zero fights or whining throughout the whole process. It was a miracle!
In addition, something was sparked in the two older girls especially since we first opened the maze, and they've spent all their free time creating little projects with glue and scissors and tape, etc. We're so grateful to Seedling for the extra excuse to imagine and have fun together with the kids, because days like that are the ones they'll remember.
Once the basic shape was done and they'd picked start and end points in the maze, I downloaded the free app that goes along with it, and Richard uploaded our design (by taking a photo) while I started the girls on decorating the DIY Headphones and the Virtual Reality Viewer (it comes free with the maze). Once the design is in the app (ours needed a tiny bit of tweaking), you can add obstacles, photos, hazards, sound effects, etc, and just as soon as the headphones were finished the kids took turns virtually playing the maze they'd just helped create- pretty amazing.
While we were all pretty impressed by the maze and the app combination, it just got better once the first virtuality reality viewer was finished (Sophie took extra long with the painting). The viewer looks and acts like one of the old view masters -again that I grew up loving- except there's a slot to tuck your phone into the front, and then it's like you're standing in the maze yourself! It was pretty impossible to capture the experience on camera, but when you put it up to your eyes and start turning left and right (there's even cute accompanying music), you really feel like you're walking around in the game. Selfishly, I took the first turn just to make sure everything was working properly, right?haha and it's just such a neat idea. I don't know of any other game that works like that. I definitely think this would make a great gift for families since it's fun for so many different ages, and combines tech with creativity.
All in all, Richard and I spent hours together with the four oldest kids helping them to use their imaginations and to get creative in designing and setting everything up, but I love that they can keep using it over and over now and take the viewers on trips, etc. Also surprisingly, they all loved watching someone else play just as much as doing it themselves, and there were zero fights or whining throughout the whole process. It was a miracle!
In addition, something was sparked in the two older girls especially since we first opened the maze, and they've spent all their free time creating little projects with glue and scissors and tape, etc. We're so grateful to Seedling for the extra excuse to imagine and have fun together with the kids, because days like that are the ones they'll remember.
“Enjoy the little things in life because one day you`ll look back and realize they were the big things.” - Robert Brault
What are your favorite things to do at home during the cold months?
Have a great rest of your weekend.
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I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC's 16 CFR, Part 225: *Guides concerning the Use of Endorsements & Testimonials in Advertising*. All words and opinions herein are my own and not influenced by the develop[ement company and/or it's affiliates in any way. Thank you for your support!
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